Rosche, B., Bons, H., Hox, Joop, de Leeuw, E. (2024). The survey attitude scale as an indicator of survey climate and a predictor of nonresponse and attrition.

A high response of the sample units approached is one of the cornerstones of survey research (Groves, 1989) and the growing nonresponse has been a constant worry of survey statisticians all over the world (De Leeuw & De Heer, 2002). Several theories on the reasons for nonresponse and panel attrition have been developed over the years (Stoop, 2005). Survey climate and attitudes towards surveys are key concepts in these theories (Loosveldt and Storms, 2008). De Leeuw and colleagues (2010) proposed a brief nine-item scale to measure a person’s survey attitude. It consists of three sub-constructs: survey enjoyment, survey value, and survey burden. The present paper examines whether this survey attitude scale (SAS) contributes to the explanation and prediction of nonresponse and panel attrition over and above the usual suspects associated with nonresponse and attrition (e.g. age, gender). Using longitudinal negative binomial regression and survival analysis, we evaluate the explanatory and the predictive power of the SAS in presence of an extensive list of covariates.

  • R&R at Survey Research Methods
  • The project has been presented at the International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse 2016 and the General Online Research Conference 2017