- Will be a speaker at the 2024 Lecture Series on Network Inequality at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, Austria.
- I am a visiting researcher at the Hertie School of Public Policy in Berlin, Germany. (June-August 2024)
- Together with Alison Schultz, I will lead the project “The precious networks of the rich: How the wealthiest prevent progressive tax reforms.” at the 2024 Wealth Data Science Summer School in Bremen, Germany.
- My paper “Socioeconomic segregation in friendship networks: A network analysis of social closure in US high schools.” won the 2024 Best Paper Award from the Mathematical Sociology section and the section on Decision-making, Social Networks, and Society Section of the American Sociological Association as well as the 2023 Robin M. Williams Jr. Best Paper Award from the Department of Sociology at Cornell University.
- Presented my project “Socioeconomic segregation in friendship networks: Prevalence and determinants of same- and cross-SES friendships in US high schools.” at the 2022 meeting of the RC28 Research Committee on Social Stratification in London (April 2022), at the Measuring Belief Systems workshop at Princeton University (October 2022), at the MZES Colloquium at Mannheim University (October 2022), and at the Inequality Discussion Workshop at Cornell University (November 2022). Presented an updated version of this paper at PAA 2023 in New Orleans, Louisiana (April 2023), at Sunbelt 2023 in Portland, Oregon (June 2023), at ISA in Melbourne, Australia (June 2023), at NetSci 2023 in Vienna, Austria (July 2023), at RC28 in Ann Arbor, Michigan (August 2023), and at ASA in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (August 2023).
- Presented my project “Socioeconomic segregation in friendship networks: Prevalence and determinants of same- and cross-SES friendships in US high schools.” at the 2022 meeting of the RC28 Research Committee on Social Stratification in London (April 2022), at the Measuring Belief Systems workshop at Princeton University (October 2022), at the MZES Colloquium at Mannheim University (October 2022), and at the Inequality Discussion Workshop at Cornell University (November 2022).
- Was a visiting researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) (June+July 2022)
- Presented my project “Treatment effects on within-group and between-group inequality. A causal decomposition approach” at the 2022 meeting of the Population of America Association in Atlanta, USA (April 2022), and at the 2022 meeting of the International Network of Analytical Sociology (INAS) in Florence, Italy (May 2022)
- Gave an introductory workshop on multilevel modeling for the Cornell Population Center (March 2022).
- Presented my project “Separating selection from influence. Methods to identify peer effects in comparison.” at Networks 2021 (July 2021).
- Participated in the 2021 Sante Fe Workshop in Computational Social Science (June 2021).
- My project on cross-SES friendship has been awarded a $240,000 NSF grant (May 2021).
- Presented my project with Kelly Musick “The Changing Impact of Parenthood on Earnings Inequality From 1989–2019” at PAA 2021 (May 2021).
- I reviewed a paper for Sociological Methods and Research (Feb 2021)
- Attended the virtual ASA annual meeting (August 2020), presenting my paper “Cross-SES friendship and socioeconomic attainment in the US“.
- My paper “A multilevel model for coalition governments: Uncovering dependencies within and across governments due to parties” has won the Robert B. McGinnis graduate student paper award, recognizing an outstanding contribution using sophisticated sociological methods (June 2020)
- I reviewed my first paper for the American Journal of Sociology (Dec 2019)
- Attended the American Political Science Association Conference in Washington DC (August 2019)
- Attended the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Retreat on Simulation in Rostock, Germany (July 2019)
- Attended the BIGSSS Summer Schools in Computational Social Science in Sardinia, Italy (June 2019)
- Attended the Cornell Sociology Symposium (March 2019) and presented “Good from far but far from good. On machine learning and the fixed effect cult“
2018 and before
- Attended XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands (June 2018)
- Attended PAA 2018 in Denver, Colorado (April 2018), presenting my paper on accomplishing micro-macro aggregations with richly parametrized linear models
- Attended the 11th International Multilevel Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands (April 2017), presenting my paper on accomplishing micro-macro aggregations with richly parametrized linear models
- Attended the 2016 International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse in Oslo, Norway (August 2016), presenting our paper on survey attitude and nonresponse