Rosche, B. (2024). Micro-level determinants of macro-level outcomes. The micro-macro link with empirical methods.

Explaining how macro-level outcomes emerge from their constituting parts at the micro-level is a complex undertaking. In empirical research, however, statistical methods that feature trivial aggregation functions dominate because methods to study more complex aggregation processes remain underdeveloped. In this thesis, I contribute to the development of empirical-statistical methods for the study of micro-macro links. … Read more

Rosche, B. (2024). Socioeconomic segregation in adolescent friendship networks. A network analysis of social closure in US high schools

Adolescent friendship networks are characterized by low interaction across both socioeconomic and racial lines. Using data from the National Study of Adolescent Health and a new exponential random graph modeling approach, this study examines the degree, pattern, and determinants of socioeconomic segregation and its relationship to racial segregation in friendship networks in high school. The … Read more

An, W., Beauvile, R., Rosche, B. (2022). Causal Network Analysis. Annual Review of Sociology, 48.

Fueled by recent advances in statistical modeling and the rapid growth of network data, social network analysis has become increasingly popular in sociology and related disciplines. However, a significant amount of work in the field has been descriptive and correlational, which prevents the findings from being more rigorously translated into practices and policies. This article … Read more