Rosche, B. (2024). Micro-level determinants of macro-level outcomes. The micro-macro link with empirical methods.

Explaining how macro-level outcomes emerge from their constituting parts at the micro-level is a complex undertaking. In empirical research, however, statistical methods that feature trivial aggregation functions dominate because methods to study more complex aggregation processes remain underdeveloped. In this thesis, I contribute to the development of empirical-statistical methods for the study of micro-macro links. … Read more

Rosche, B. (2024). A multilevel model for coalition governments: Uncovering dependencies within and across governments due to parties.

Most multilevel analyses examine how lower-level units, such as persons, are affected by their embedding in contextual/aggregate units at a higher level (macro-to-micro link). The generalized multiple-membership multilevel model (MMMM) conceptually reverses this multilevel setup. It allows studying how the effects of units at lower levels propagate to a higher level (micro-to-macro link). Previous studies … Read more

Rosche, B. (2024). Treatment effects on within-group and between-group inequality. A causal decomposition approach.

Rising inequality has been linked to growing disparities within and between economic strata. Yet, existing approaches to analyzing inequality often disregard within-group inequality and are limited in addressing causal questions about why inequality is changing. This paper introduces a causal approach to examining how treatment variables impact within-group, between-group, and total inequality. The method permits … Read more