Analyzing complex data structures: network, spatial, multilevel, and text data.

The world and data about the world are becoming increasingly complex. Examples of complex data structures include network data that represent connections among individuals (e.g., friends on social media platforms), spatial data that represents geolocations (e.g., smartphone location data), data collected at multiple levels (e.g., employees in organizations), and text data (e.g., interviews, online comments). These … Read more

Introduction to Inferential Social Network Analysis

Most courses on social network analysis (SNA) focus on descriptive SNA, such as measuring the density of a network, identifying subgroups within a network, or examining the centrality of actors within a network. Inferential SNA, which focuses on explaining the formation of networks and behaviors and beliefs of actors embedded in networks, by contrast, is … Read more

Introduction to Multilevel Modeling

Many kinds of data have a multilevel, hierarchical, nested, or clustered structure. Animal and human studies of inheritance, for instance, deal with a natural multilevel structure where offspring are grouped within families. Offspring from the same parents tend to be more alike than individuals at large. Clinical trials and other data collections also create data … Read more